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(new) Slobodskoy     The History of Slobodskoy     Literary Slobodskoy  

Fur Company "Belka"

Alexander Stepanovich Grin (Grinevski)

It gave birth to a lot of greats, Who could achieve world level rates. In novel writing, science culture, Music, fine arts and agriculture.

When you hear or read the word "Slobodskoy", what comes first to your head? Well, for those who live there, Slobodskoy is their home town. For a great number of people it is a small town which has retained the flavour of the Russian provinces.

The town of Slobodskoy is known for its famous people. It is hard to find a man in Russia wbo wouldn't have heard about "Scarlet Sails". The author of this novel is A. Grin.

Alexander Stepanovich Grin (Grinveski) was born on August 23, 1880 in Slobodskoy.

Soon the family moved to the town of Vyatka where the boy spent his childhood. His childhood was not at all happy as his mother had died  when he was a small boy. He had an elder brother who loved and understood him and believed in his future.

   When a boy Alexander read a lot and thought of traveling to faraway countries. At the age of 16 his dreams brought him to Odessa where for the first time of his life he saw a sea, the sea that runs through the pages of all his books. His literary biography began in 1906 hen his first books were published under a pseudonym A. Grin. He wrote more than five hundred works among them novels, stories and poems. But many of them are unknown to a great deal of readers. His novels "Scarlet Sails", "A Golden Chair", "Walking on the Waves" are the most popular with readers. Some of his novels have been slimed and have a great success with people.

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