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(new) Slobodskoy      Literary Slobodskoy   A.S.Grin (Grinevski) 

Fur Company "Belka"

The History of Slobodskoy.

    Slobodskoy is one of the oldest towns of Kirov region. It appeared after joining  Vyatka to Moscow in 1489  For the first time Slobodskoy was mentioned in the charter of Ivan III (Terrible) in 1505. This year is considered to be the year of its foundation. In Slobodskoy there was the Kremlin castle, from the south it was defended by a large moat, from the east by the bank of the Vyatka and from the north by a large ravine. In the Kremlin there were 3 churches made of wood. At that time there were 154 houses and nearly 600 people lived here. The place for building the town was chosen rather well. It was the place It was the place of the forests and endless grasslands. In the forests there were a lot of animals and the rivers were full offish.

Russians came here in the 12th century. They were peasants, who built the villages on the bank of the Vyatka River. They were from Novgorod, Ustug and Susdal. The peasants were occupied with agricultures, they fed cattle, grew vegetables, liked fishing and hunting. Slobodskoy province was connected with other provinces by there highways and a river system. Our natives used those ways for trading. The highway on which Slobodskoy was situated was also the way of the Russian sovereign from Moscow to far Siberia. That highway played a great role in the fate of our town. It had become an outpost and a trade centre in the north of Vyatka by the beginning of the 17th century.

In the 17th century Slobodskoy became a centre of the district with its own government.

Among the prominent people of our town is Ksenofont Anfilatov. He was the first Russia who began to trade with America. First of all he wrote the letter for the count Rumyantsev and asked money for an expedition to America. Rumyantsev gave him 200 000 rubles and Anfilatov sent 2 ships with different goods (fur, honey, wood and leather) lo America in 1806. The expedition was successful. In a year they returned back with overseas articles. So the trade between Russia and America was begun. Soon Anfilatov became a very rich man. In 1809 he founded the first national bank in Russia.

Since 1784 Slobodskoy began to be built according to the plan of Katherine II. In the 1819 centuries brick houses in the spirit of provincial classic appeared in the main street.

The house of the Yusevs (a town hospital nowadays) keeps the remembrance about the visil of Natalya Nicolaevna Lanskaya, Alexander Pushkin's widow.

Our town  is  rich  in architectural   monuments.   Yekaterininskaya church is situated on the bank of the Vyatka River. Our citizens come here on religions holidays. The church of Michael Archangel is the most ancient building in the territory of Kirov region and the earliest wooden " construction. It was built in 1610 and is called now "parizhanka" as it - Was shown at the exhibition in Paris near Shan de Lizer in  1973. Nowadays there is a branch of Slobodskoy local museum. Here we can see the collections of wooden sculptures of the 17-18 centuries, antique books and ancient icons.

   The centre of an architectural ensemble in the town square is a clock-tower which is 66 meters high. It was built in 1823 by a serf master F. Tyurin and the clock made by a serf master V. Rysev was assembled there in 1851. You can learn the history of Slobodskoy in our museum of local lore.

Our local museum is situated in the former Blagovest church. At first there was only the exhibition of paintings which consisted of 26 pictures. But what lovely pictures they were! They were made by famous Soviet painters - Vera Pestel, Olga Rosanova and Niconov. All these pictures were sent to our museum by Lunacharski. They are still in the collection of paintings.

Nowadays our museum has a wonderful collection of bells and samovars, icons, domestic articles, national clothes.

   Slobodskoy was always known for its masters. The most remarkable articles were bells. The ringing bells made by our great countrymen Bakulev, Sitnikov, Popov and Makushin were sold in all parts of our country.

    In the middle of the 18l!l century a number of factories appeared in our district. They produced iron elaborate fancies, balconies, shelves, plates and boxes. Some of them are also exhibited in the museum. There is an icon in a gilded setting. The mother of Y. Popov blessed him with this icon to begin his own business - the production of samovars.

     Slobodskoy was also known for its wooden articles. Y. Makarov with his son was the first master of this trade in our town. They were the first masters of this trade in our town. They were awarded with the silver medal diploma on the first Russian exhibition of manufacture in St. Petersburg in 1829. The articles made of wood were very popular in our country and abroad.

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